Somewhere in Bayan-Ölgii aimag (MGL)- Unknown River Crossings (MGL)
August 29, 2014
Today is one of the toughest days of our Mongol Rally trip. While driving through the city of Ölgii we abandoned the normal Southern route and took the smaller roads called Altantsugts-Bugat Road and Bayanauur-Bugat Road. These are actually not road its more like a rocky path. The entire day we were driving 5 mphs on dry up riverbed with fist-sized rock.
We crossed at least 7 rivers today and our car “Takhi Butter” was stuck in mud. Despite the hard driving with our low-clearance car we got absolutely beautiful scenery as a reward.
Ahead of us is the Tsambagarav Mountain, part of the Tsambagarav Uul National Park.
Just when you think the “road” would not get worse, we arrived at a huge dry up riverbed with fist-sized rock. It took forever to cross this river bed. We all have to go out and push the car and clear our path of big boulder. Video coming soon, here’s some screenshots from the video:
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