

100% of your donations will go to the charity

We were inspired by TV shows like The Amazing Race and An Idiot Abroad. We decided to perform a series of fun and meaningful missions to raise money. We believe we cannot change the world sitting behind our computers. We would like to get down and dirty and raise money for charities. Having no access to this specific kind of online fundraising platform, we decided to build it. Hence the birth of

If you pledge money to a mission, once it’s finished all your donations will go to our charity Cool Earth.

Click on the image below to see the missions you can support, it will takes you to our “Missions” pledge page on our FUNraiser site.


We are doing this to protect rainforest and help indigenous peoples to save their lands.

All of your donations will go to the following charity


We are raising money for a wonderful cause, a non-profit called Cool Earth.

Cool Earth works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction.

To this day Cool Earth has protected over 500,000 acres of rainforest that lie directly in the path of chainsaws and bulldozers.


We know that saving the rainforest isn’t a new idea. Managing to do it is.

Over the last 40 years, half the world’s rainforests have been destroyed. That’s why cool earth decided to go about things differently.

We don’t create reserves or put up fences. We don’t buy land. Instead, we put indigenous people back in control of the world’s most endangered rainforest.


These people have lived in the forest for countless generations. Their homes are now on the  frontline of deforestation. They have the most to lose from deforestation.

By building better incomes, better schools and better clinics, we give our partner villages the  resources they need to keep their forest intact.

Cool earth is now working alongside 65 rainforest villages throughout the world.


These partner villages are protecting 500,000 acres of forest that lie directly in the path of chainsaws and bulldozers.

The clever part is that this forest is forming a shield to make the neighbouring forest inaccessible  to loggers – saving millions of acres of further forest.

At least 90% of each donation to cool earth goes directly to our projects.



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